Thursday, April 7, 2016

Shopping for School

I LOVE to shop.  I really do.  I think the one thing I miss most about not working for MDE is the shopping I would get to do in the afternoons.  I traveled all over the state for 6 years and let me tell you I found all (well most of them) of the cute little gift shops.  Small towns, big cities, they all have that one store.
Anyway I mentioned I had some money to spend so I thought I would stock up on crafty supplies at Hobby Lobby,  I spent over an hour there on Tuesday afternoon, carefully picking out paper, rubber stamps, paint, markers, all kinds of cool stuff.  I normally will get these with my own money but it was great to use my budget money.  The only problem on Tuesday was I forgot to check out the Hobby Lobby credit card.  The manager was so sweet that he bagged all my stuff and held it until I could pick it up on  Wednesday.  Here is what my cart looked like as I left.
It may not look like a lot to you but to me it was just like Christmas!! Even better is I have two more purchase orders to spend at Walmart and Office Depot.  YAY!!
I am aware that my years of teaching are winding down and I am excited for a new adventure but I am also painfully aware that I will miss teaching.
What to do, what to do.
Until next time,
Love ya,


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