Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 19 Back on Track!

This morning the crew showed up and began sawing and hammering as they worked on the frame for the concrete base that the coping will be placed. 
The frame was ready to be filled with concrete so they called the cement company. And they waited and waited and waited. No truck. More crew members arrive and then they all left to grab a bite to eat. 
The crew returned and we left to go eat, and when we got back still no concrete. Mark came over to see how the pool was coming along. The crew was gone by now and we weren't really sure what was going on. We ended up going over to Mark's house to take the bassinet   On our way out we passed the treuck with bags of quick-crete. Hmmmm odd
When we returned  the cement truck was their and they were filling the trench. 
Soon the trench was full and smoothed out. A quick placement of the ladder frame was positioned. 
Here are a few more pictures. 

Before I finish this post here are a few pictures of the brick coping that will be put in place tomorrow. 

Lots of bricks!
Ready for bricking. 
See ya, Di 


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