Anytime people have to do something that might be a little out of their norm or unpleasant I try to do something to make them feel better. So I made 17 dozen mini muffins and 2 gallons of Plum Tea. 9 dozen mini muffins had walnuts and then I made 8 dozen that didn't have nuts, in case someone had a nut allergy.
Once they were ready I went down the Testing hall and the relief people would go in and let the teachers come out for a short break. Y'all those were some of the most appreciative people ever. I guess standing in a room for 4 plus hours watching people take a test will bring you to your knees. I am just so grateful I didn't have to do that job. I am kinda hoping since I have done snacks last year and this year that I won't have to ever do the testing so they will want me to make the snacks. I'm sneaky like that.
I wish I had take a picture of the food, but I forgot. Sorry. Trust me it was pretty. I even used red and blue muffin liners and napkins. Hey I go all out! ha!
I've had this sneezy, draining thing since we got home. Maybe I am allergic to old houses???
I just hope I can shake it soon.
Until next time.
Love ya,
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