One day last week the announcement came that our school contracts for next year were in the office. I went up to the principal's office to pick mine up and as the assistant principal handed me my contract, I mentioned this could be my last contract. She said she hoped it wasn't my last year. So I've had it sitting in my passenger seat all this week. Each day I look at it and try to decide if this could be my last contract. Wow. It's been 37 years since I got my first teaching license. I taught one year of Home Economics and American History at a small first through twelve school. The next year I got married and we were living in Starkville, I was planning to commute to the school when the Lord opened a door for me to teach two year old preschoolers at First Baptist Creative Learning Center. What an eye opener for a youngest child, don't know much about babies person. When Paul graduated from Mississippi State we moved to Port Gibson. One of the parents from Starkville was from Port Gibson and called her mother to let them know I was moving there and that I was a great teacher. High praise in my opinion. At first I was just going to stay home but when September cam around I was bored and called them asking if they might need a substitute teacher sometime to give me a call. I started work the next day at St James Episcopal Learning Center. I worked there until October of 1981 when I quit to stay home waiting for my first born to arrive. Matthew arrived in February and he and I stayed home until he was almost 18 months old. I went back as the Director of St. James for a few months before we moved to Zachary, LA, then to Huntsville, Al. then to Fort Worth, TX. and finally back to Mississippi. When Mark started kindergarten I started back teaching and have worked in education for the past 24.5 years. December will make 25 years. That has always been my goal. It is so hard to believe it is almost here. When I turned in my contract this morning I mentioned to my principal this could be my last contract.
He didn't say much.
But for me it was mixed emotions folks.

Until next time,
Love ya,
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