Today we started the state testing for Algebra. Bless these children's hearts. This is so hard on them. And it isn't too great for the teachers. I had my 4th period class an extra 100 minutes so that was a total of 192 minutes. Yep that is over three hours from 9:20-until 1:40 They (and I) had a short 20 minutes for lunch. I didn't bring anything for lunch today because I was planning to run out to Wendy's for a salad. Well thank goodness for my emergency stash of chicken noodle soup and pimento cheese. It wasn't what I was dreaming about but it filled me up for the day. I have a few errands to run this afternoon and then I can't wait to get home and see all the yard work Paul has done today. He has been working so many long hours lately that he hasn't been able to mow or weed-eat the yard. I"ll try to take a picture when I get home.
Until next time,
Love ya,
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