I am known around Warren Central HS for counting down. I count down to holiday, breaks, tests, whatever it is, I am counting. So this time of year when the kids are going crazy I start reminding just how few days we have to work. I have a few seniors that will not be happy in about 26 days when they realize they have to take my exam. My class won't keep them from graduating but...
So it is 36 days until the end of school, we have one 60 % day, one more day off. If you subtract the 4 exam days that makes 32 and then you can just go ahead and subtract next Tuesday because the juniors take the ACT at school and the rest of the school sits in their 2nd period class for 4 hours. Just shoot me now!!!
Okay I have been VERY frugal with my FCS budget money this year and I have about $500 to spend!!!
Hobby Lobby I am coming your way today!!!
I'll share pictures soon.
On a sad note my dear cousin, Janice Alderman Hood, was laid to rest today. She was the sweetest thing to me when I was knee high to a grasshopper. She was almost exactly 10 years older than me. Please hug your family a little extra tonight and say a prayer for her husband and family.
Until next time,
Love ya,
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