Good morning, it is awesome to see the sun shining full force today! I woke up at my own pace this morning (meaning I turned the alarm clock off last night) it was great! I am feeling better, I hope that means this sinus stuff is drying up not going into my chest. I went outside bright and early to check on my plants and check the skimmers. I got a wild hair to brush the pool steps and that led to brushing the sides of the entire pool. I slowly eased into the day, Paul got home about 8:00ish and we had a little while to chat before he was ready to head to bed. Bless his heart. That man works so hard.
I showered and washed my hair and then got dress and headed out for the day. It is so hard to stay home and be quiet.
First stop was my garden club's annual plant sale.
I lucked up and got 3 day lilies, 3 yarrow, 15 red spider lily bulbs, 1 tomato plant, and 2 naked lady bulbs. All for a grand total of $18.00. That is awesome y'all. Since I knew I would be out most of the day I zipped back by the house to drop my plants off. Next stop The Old Court House Flea Market.
I found a great parking place and began to make the round. I saw several neat old "antique" like things but none called my name. I did buy a print of a canon on Fort Hill. Best of all I got to see my old friend Mr Gordon Cotton.
He was the curator of the Old Court House Musuem when I taught Local Cultures. He didn't recognize me at first but I told him my name and his face just lit up. He is such a great historian and the sweetest man ever. He was so kind to me when I was trying to learn all about Vicksburg. We chatted for a while but more and more people were stopping to talk to him so I said my goodbyes. Except I just wanted to get a picture with him. So I went back and we took a selfie.
He was so sweet. As I was walking away I overheard him tell someone "she is an amazing teacher and I am just crazy about her. She'd bring all those kids in the Old Courthouse and she'd be running up and down those stairs the whole time." I thought I would cry right there. He was the best teacher ever at Warren Central and for him to compliment me is the sweetest thing.
I ran a few more errands and picked up a few things. Then the weekly grocery shopping trip.
I got home about 2:00 and unloaded the groceries. I still had to be quiet until Paul woke up. Big surprise, down power is almost complete so Paul is off tonight. Yay.
So I suggested we go eat to eat since as Paul said we haven't done that in a while. Ha! So we headed out but when he didn't turn to go downtown I was a little puzzled. We ended up
At Hime Depot to look for a drill bit for my fountain/pot. The old fountain pump died last fall and I bought a new pump but never got around to installing it. The new pump has the cord on the side so I need a new hole drilled. The drill bits were over $40 there so he googled and found on on Amazon for a whole lot less.
Then we headed to Rusty's for dinner except my mood changed greatly when I hit/scraped my leg closing the truck door. Yep it left a mark. There was a group of Prom kids all dressed up. They ended up eating at the table next to us. They were pretty well behaved.
Then back home and I stayed up till midnight with Paul (y'all that's monumental for me. Paul stayed up a few more hours. Bless his heart.
Until next time,
Love ya,