We headed to the coast and arrived at the outer banks just in time to board the ferry for a 2 hour 40 minutes trip. We must be very lucky, seems you really SHOULD have reservations and know the departure times. We got to the dock about 10 minutes before the ferry loaded and after a few minutes we were driving onto the ferry.

We were even treated to a beautiful rainbow on the trip.

Here are some pictures as we approach Cape Ocracoke. It is hard to believe that pirates once roamed these waters. In fact Blackbeard is buried here on Cape Ocracoke. Shiver me timbers!

Ocracoke Lighthouse
We drove a little farther and then boarded another ferry for a short ride to Cape Hatteras.
By this time the sun was setting and we were two tired and hungry vacationers. We headed to Virginia Beach and made it just after midnight.
I'll leave you with a beautiful sunset from the ferry
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