1. There were crowds of people everywhere and this is after midnight on a Monday night. Really??
2. The street names sounded very familiar. Baltic Ave., Atlantic Ave., Pacific Ave, Mediterranean Ave. Sounds like a Monopoly Game. Well I googled it and the game is patterned after Atlantic City and Virginia Beach is patterned after Atlantic City.

Now back to day three, you won't see any pictures because we spent the entire day on the beach and I didn't even take my camera with me.
But it was great with the exception of the very cold Atlantic Ocean.
Day Four was our 31st wedding aniversary and to celebrate the day we did a sight seeing tour back to the lighthouses we missed. I wanted to climb the tallest lighthouse in the world. Lordy what was I thinking.
But it was great once we got to the top.

We also checked out two other lighthouses and Kitty Hawk area.

I'll continue our trip tomorrow.
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