Thursday, March 23, 2017


I am feeling a little overwhelmed right now.  When I feel overwhelmed I make a to do list or plan
So I am working on my plan, see how many check marks there are.  I did have to cross one thing off the list.
1. teach today✔
2. prepare for sub for Friday afternoon✔
3. go to Pilates class today (great stress reliever)✔
4. grocery shop for weekend and tonight's supper✔
5. pack my stuff, cut Paul's hair, get all the things together to put in truck Friday✔
6. bath and wash hair, dry hair, go to bed✔
7. get up and ready for school✔
8.  leave school at noon.
9. load up truck
10.  get camper and head out

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.
Here is my Camping Menu
I found this download at stuffed and printed lots of copies to use when camping.  It really helps when you need to know what pans and equipment to take with you, plus the food.
I used this list when I did my grocery shopping, only one thing I would add for next time, would be to categorize the food types to make it easier to go down the list.

Until next time,
Love ya


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