So last fall we made our first venture onto a RV lot. The first dealer we visited was a very high pressure, smooth talking place. Neither one of us felt comfortable and almost gave up. But we didn't. It did help us to narrow down the size we wanted and some of the things we felt were "must haves".
We knew we wanted a king bed, a decent size living area and a normal shower shape (not one of those round ones). So in late February we decided to check out another lot. This one was totally opposite of the first dealer, Low pressure, laid back, you call us etc. We felt much better, and Paul had spoken with them before the visit so he had narrowed down the choices considerably. We really had two to choose from, and they were almost identical. Choice #1 was the biggest and fanciest, king bed, normal bath, good living area. Choice #2 was almost the same with a few differences. The differences were 1. refrigerator size (residential vs large rv fridge.), 2. recliner styles (theater recliners
i.e. cup holders vs rocking, swivel recliners) 3. Leather color. Well, I fell in love with the rocking recliners and the grey leather. So I looked in the refrigerators and the size wasn't' that big of a deal. BUT I didn't want to feel like we had not seen everything on the market so on Monday, we made one more trip to Hattiesburg to check out the RV's there. Within moments of arriving on the lot I knew I wanted the RV with the grey leather.
Here are some pictures.
From the couch looking at the kitchen side.
From the couch looking at the dining side
The Bedroom

The floor plan, we got the king bed with rocking recliners.
Every other RV paled in comparison. Paul talked to the salesman and worked out a deal and we were in business. Well, except for the hitch, it seems that Nissan had changed some things and hadn't made a new hitch yet. REALLY? so back to the drawing board and they found a hitch that worked. It finally arrived on Tuesday of last week and was installed on Wednesday and we were to come pick it up on Thursday.
After an hour long walk through where we were shown all the buttons and procedures
Paul learning about the battery and cables.
We were ready to pull it off the lot. Oh my, we held our breath as we drove off the lot
The salesman gave us a free night at his campground in Vicksburg.
So that is where we headed. Paul spent the afternoon hooking up the trailer, getting it level, etc. I tackled the bedroom. The mattress was a tad firm for out taste and I decided we needed a foam topper. So I put that on the bed and let it air out while we ran out to eat lunch and run by our house to pick up the "rest of the stuff"
When we got back from our errands I trimmed the mattress (yes RV King is about 4-5 inches narrower than standard King) put the mattress pad on, then the sheets and made up the bed.
I put the towels in the bathroom, rug down and "stocked" the kitchen. Next thing I knew it was after 7 and time to go eat supper. We watched TV for a little while and then called it a night. I slept really well for the first time in a new place. Friday morning, I made waffles and bacon for breakfast. Noon was check out time so we headed out and made a Wal Mart stop (more camper stuff) and then to park the RV at it's temporary home.
Parking the RV at the lot was another adventure. Thank goodness for Mr. Wally and his assistance in backing this baby up.
We are already planning our next adventure.
Until the next time,
love ya,