Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

I hope everyone had an awesome day yesterday. I know I did. I got home and Paul had a dozen red roses and a card. He was given instructions of No Candy! Ha!
The card contained a gift certificate for a massage. Oh I love a massage!!!!
I gave him 2 DVD's Taken 2 and Skyfall.
I also prepared a gourmet meal for us. At least as close to gourmet I can get.
Filet of beef tenderloin coated in finely ground coffee, cocoa and baked to a medium rare.
Soooo tender. I also served a salad of spring mix , fresh strawberries , pecans and shaved Parmesan cheese.
The sides were a farfelle pasta with artichoke quarters, and grated Parmesan and fresh asparagus, blanched and then shocked in ice water. Right before I served the plates I heated the asparagus in butter with a sprinkle of kosher salt and garlic.
Dessert was pecan pie on a plate drizzled with chocolate sauce and a fresh strawberry.

Great dinner


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