Then less that a month later I started summer teacher training. No, most of the time I don't have to be trained or even do the training, I just go and sit and if a problem, question or concern comes up I handle it.
Which means I spend lots of time away from home. LOTS !
I think I slept in my own less than 5 nights since May 31.
I love my teachers but I was so ready to get home.
As far as the wedding goes, things are progressing quite well.
I have most of my "duties" completed. A place for the rehearsal dinner, select invitations, almost ready to order them, favors for the rehearsal dinner, centerpieces for RD tables, placecards, dresses for most of the parties and I think for the wedding, and a whole lot more stuff.
The first of the parties is this weekend. The engagement announcement party, it should be fun.
I'll post more and include pictures too. I promise.
See you soon.
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