Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Big 60!

I woke up Sunday morning just like any other day, except it wasn't just any other day. I would be sixty years old. An age I had long associated with "old age", an age I had dreaded for weeks if not months and possibly even years. Paul and the kids had taken me out to eat the night before. I got to pick the place, so I chose H. D. Gibbes Old Country Store in Learned , Ms. Usually there is a long wait to be seated and with a toddler that doesn't always cotton to changes we arrived early. Mark and Lauren were already seated and Caroline was coloring. We ordered, visited and checked on the MSU baseball score. Caroline fidgeted and fussed, toddlers need naps. Ha! (So do 60 year olds) 
Our salads arrived and Paul ate while holding Caroline and I cut up everyone's tomatoes for her to eat. 
Then the dinner arrived, the steaks were perfect and I had roasted green beans to go with my steak. As one of us would finish eating we would go out on the porch with Caroline. While I was sitting with her on the porch, the family ordered an assortment of desserts. I was trying to "be good" but hey you only turn 60 once right. After we finished eating we lingered to watch more of the game. Then we headed home to pick up the gifts and cards to take to Mark and Lauren's. Caroline feel asleep in Papa's lap. State blew the game, oh well maybe next year. I opened my presents which were so sweet.  It was late and we headed home. 
Sunday was an impromptu family gathering, my favorite kind. Paul made a grocery store run for burgers and fixins, Mark and Lauren picked up chips & dips and a watermelon. 
We ate and swam (actually very little swimming is done in our pool, more like jumping and splashing) then we took a watermelon break. Caroline did get her nap in and I think Lauren was able to relax a little too.  Late afternoon arrived and everyone packed up and headed out. My heart was so full as they all waved goodbye. Paul and I snacked on fruit for supper and then turned in for the day. It was a very good day. Until next time, 
Love ya, 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Day 59 of 60 Days to 60

Well in less than 24 hours I will be 60 years old. Wow, it's hard for me to put my feelings into words. 
The past 58 days have been awesome, my sweet husband has helped me ease into this 60 thing by doing so many wonderful things to keep my mind occupied. We have been to concerts, eaten at new and old restaurants, experienced new adventures including a rodeo and made some wonderful new memorie. But the truth is I don't want to get old. I know I am not Peter Pan, because I  never wanted to stay a child. I wanted to grow up and in doing that I have done all the grown up things. My parents were excellent role models and gave me good, sound advice to guide me through the years. I fell in love and married the world's most wonderful man, we have two sons who are such fine young men, I have the cream of the crop daughter in love and my heart just bursts when I think about sweet Caroline. I have a career that I love (most days but the good ones do out number the bad), a church family I adore, wonderful friends in garden club, bunco, circle, neighbors and school. We have worked hard and are reaping the benefits  but everyday I wake up with a new (or worse) ache or pain, I can't do things like I used to and I really hate that part. Doctor visits are more frequent and while I am so blessed to not have to rely on lots of pills,  I understand they may become necessary. I am grateful for modern medicine and how it can help our bodies continue for a longer time.  I pray that I will grow old gracefully but also that I'll keep a young spirit. I have so many things I want to see and do. 
This week Paul and I went to the pre retirement seminar, another eye opener. Once again I am so blessed that I have a husband that not only has worked and and provided for our family but also planned for our future. So now I will wipe away my petty tears and remember to enjoy the good things in life. My sweet family will celebrate with me tonight and I will feel the best love ever.  I will also eat a wonderful meal while I "try" to avoid sugar, grains, dairy and alcohol. 
The past 60 years are just that, in the past. I certainly don't want another 60 years but 20 or 30 more might be nice.  The future is uncertain but I am not worried. I have faith that it will be just fine, just like the past has been. 
Until next time. 
Love ya,